Gold mining is an industry that has existed for centuries around the world. It has contributed to shaping countries’ economies and given birth to some of the most powerful empires on Earth. It is also an industry that has seen many innovations, especially in the twentieth century when it became more industrialised and safer.

Cyanide use has been a controversial issue in the mining industry. Although there are alternatives to cyanide, miners still prefer it because it is much more efficient and less time consuming than other methods.  In this article, you will learn all about why cyanide is so important to gold miners and how they’re used – with an eye for safety and environmental responsibility.

The history of cyanide in mining

Cyanide was first introduced in the mining industry during World War I. It was used to separate gold from rock and extract other valuable minerals. Cyanide was used for a variety of purposes, but it became most well-known for its ability to dissolve gold and platinum group metals. Cyanide can be found in the form of a gas, liquid, or solid that has a sweet smell, which is how miners know when they are close to an ore body rich with these substances.

How cyanide is used in gold mining

The use of Cyanide is a common method of leaching gold from ore while also extracting other minerals. Cyanide is a highly toxic substance, and gold mining has been banned in many countries because of it. However, miners still use cyanide because it’s the cheapest way to get precious metal. There are four different ways to extract gold from ore: hydraulic mining, open-pit mining, heap leaching and cyanidation. The first three methods are too expensive for small-scale miners, which leaves them with only one option.

Though cyanide is a highly toxic chemical, it’s also the best option for making gold and silver extraction inexpensive. Mining companies typically use potassium cyanide which is easier to produce and transport. It has a high degree of reactivity and can be mixed with water to create hydrogen cyanide gas. Cyanide is usually injected into the ground in a dry form or mixed with water.

Harmful effects of cyanide while gold mining

Cyanide is a chemical that is used in gold mining. It can be harmful under certain circumstances. The two most common ways it’s harmful are in the form of contact and inhalation. Contact with cyanide-laced water can cause burns and sores, but more importantly, exposure to high levels can lead to death from respiratory failure. Inhalation of cyanide fumes can also lead to death from respiratory failure, as well as hearing loss, liver damage, and other long-term health effects.

Alternatives to cyanide

Many miners have turned to use less toxic chemicals such as mercury, sulfuric acid, and sodium hydroxide. While it’s possible to produce gold with these chemicals, the costs are higher than with cyanide extraction.



People have been using cyanide for gold mining since the 1890s when it replaced mercury, which was often used to extract gold ore. Cyanide is generally applied as a liquid that is sprayed onto ore in order to dissolve any metals found within. Today, miners continue this practice as they find that it is still the cheapest and most effective way of extracting gold ore. Unfortunately, it is also the most dangerous as leaks and spills can pose a danger to both humans and nature.

One of the great challenges for gold mining companies today is to try and reduce the costs of production, but this can be difficult if new methods or technologies are not readily available. This is a challenge that continues to face the industry, and till more cost-effective solutions emerge, the industry will have to equip itself with more safety protocols to reduce the risks around the use of cyanide, rather than explore replacing it as an industrial chemical to use.

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